Ok, so I don't really take my Corgi to the movies, but my wife has her "Knitting Corgis" blog, so I figured I'd stay in the theme. This is our commentary on the movies and other pop culture that we partake in.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

A Day Without a Mexican

This was a fun little movie. The premise of the movie is sort of a rapture-like disappearance of all the "Mexicans" in California (of course, all Latinos disappear, but everyone lumps them into the Mexican category). A fog surrounds the state, and there is no way in or out - and no Mexicans.

It's a quirky little movie, but it's fun. Not brilliant, but fun. My favorite parts are the little factoids sprinkled throughout the movie when the remaining ignorant white folk say something stereotypical.


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